Friday 24 February 2012


I spotted some snowdrops in our garden today. Most of them are still just buds, but a few have started to bloom.

If you've followed my blog for sometimes you know it's almost a tradition by now that I take pics of the first snowdrops and blog about them. You can find the 2011 snowdrop post here (better pics than this year) and the 2010 post here. Photos from 2009 was published here. The camera batteries were almost dead so there aren't that many photos to share today.

These photos above are from the garden facing the road. There are some snowdrops behind the barn too, but there's much more snow and ice left and the plants are in the shadow in a different way so they haven't begun blooming yet.

We've got some winter aconites too. This particular patch of aconites started to bud before the snow came and now that it's melted away they can finally begin to bloom.

The weather report said spring would come to Skåne today. Not sure if I agree because while it's several degrees above zero, the strong winds makes it feel colder than when the snow came. But I guess the windy weather today and yesterday are signs of spring approaching too, just like the flowers above. No spring without a spring storm -- and the good thing is that the winds clear the sky from those grey rain clouds that's been parked over the farm for days and weeks (weeks ago they were snow clouds, now it's warmer so they turned into less appreciated rain clouds).


  1. Oh! That is such a beautiful thing! I am so happy to see this inspiration today. What pretty flowers those snowdrops must be. Thank you for sharing. Spring cannot be far behind!
    Enjoy the day!

  2. Our snowdrops never look as attractive as yours! Nice shots. It must be a relief to see them popping up knowing Spring is on it's way.

  3. Lovely little snowdrops...I was thinking about snowdrops before I started reading your blog! Snowdrops for me are conntected to memories of my mother who peacefully passed away exactly five years ago. The first snowdrops appeared in her garden that day amongst the melting snow. I'm planning to make something with snowdrops starting today. Embroidery, beads....Anna

  4. Thank you for your lovely comments!

    Jenni: It could be that either it's not the same species -- from what I understand there are several species and many more modern cultivars -- or maybe the local and climate affect them too. But most of all, you have to catch them before they reach their prime. They are much prettier when the petals haven't opened yet or at least before they open fully.


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